The Saga of the Diaper Bag, Part 5

The Saga of the Diaper Bag, Part 5

The Final Part: I’m Glad It’s Done

I’ll start by apologizing for the crappy pictures, I finished the thing at night and I don’t have a lamp in my office yet. But we did get filament and I printed the strap adjustment pieces, and I finished the bag!


The kids had just been put to bed but were still chattering. Nick was relaxing on the couch, probably watching some how-to-build-something on his phone. I positioned the straps in their final place and pinned the back on. Then I sewed it, going over the straps a few times to increase stability.


Look! Look! Look!


I decided to top stitch the parts of the seams that weren’t too thick for my machine to get through, again, for added stability. I want this thing to be rugged enough to last through everything we put it through.


The last thing I did was sew the straps together. I should have printed the adjustment pieces a few millimeters bigger because it was hard to squeeze the straps through, but at least that means it won’t slip under the weight.


I lost the picture of me using the diaper bag. Darn. It’s maiden run was the fourth week of advent, and it worked beautifully. I could fit everything I had planned on with a little room to spare. It was comfortable, the weight was distributed well, and everything was easily accessible. I should have reinforced the points where the straps were attached even more, because when we got home I realized the top was splitting its seams. But that was easy to fix. Next time I’ll make the straps wider so it’s more comfortable over the shoulders. All in all, I love it.

Winter Adventures

Winter Adventures

The Saga of the Diaper Bag, Part 4

The Saga of the Diaper Bag, Part 4